So What Is A Fiverr Business?
So what is a Fiverr Business? They are a site that you join for free and then you offer people your services (called gigs) for five dollars. It’s that simple. You create your own Fiverr business by creating these gigs. What you create as a gig is up to you. It can be anything you can think of. You can type a report for someone, create a business plan, write a blog post, photoshop images for others, promote web sites on social media sites, make videos, and so much more. For example, I make videos as various characters and then for five dollars people pay me for a 30 second video delivering their message. It may be a message for a friend, a gift for someone, website promotional video, etc.
How Much Can You Make In Your Fiverr Business
Believe it or not many have quit their jobs due to the success of their Fiverr business. $5.00 may not seem like enough but if you look at it time wise, it is very lucrative. For example I get paid $5.00 for a thirty second video. Imagine doing 10 of those an hour. That is $50.00 for one hour of work doing something that is really fun. I had a seasonal gig where I did videos for one particular customer and made $1200 within four weeks for about 20 hours of work. That is the equivalent of $60.00 an hour. I also gave them a discount so it could have been more. As you can see, a lot of money can be made from this wonderful site.

How Does It Work?
It is very easy to set up your Fiverr Business. They do their best not to complicate things. First you sign up with them and proceed to create your gig. You then must upload a photo of yourself. If you can, a quick video about your gig, is very helpful. For your gig, choose how long it will take you to complete the task. Be fair to yourself and don’t create a time you know you can’t achieve. You can always change your time frame whenever needed. Usually you must get a certain amount of completed offers before you are able to offer gig extras. Once you do, be sure to utilize them as it can make you even more money.
Once your gig is ready and approved by fiverr you are ready for orders. In the meantime you can promote your gig on social media outlets, YouTube, blog posts, etc. Many times a potential customer will message you before ordering. Be sure to always be polite. Remember this is your Fiverr business and you want to have a good reputation in order to stay in business. I have found that not every customer is friendly and some even treat you like you are a piece of meat. Always be honest and if you can’t do the gig just say so. Don’t try to do something you are unable to do or are uncomfortable with.
Be sure to follow the instructions from the customer when completing your gig. Do it in the time frame you set and always try to complete it before the due date. It is best to do as much as a professional job as possible. The better your finished product is, the happier the customer will be. Many times they will order more gigs from your Fiverr business.
I have a little tip from you if you create large files. I have found that my video gigs will sometimes not upload directly through fiverr. Instead I created a free account with Dropbox. I will then upload my video there and then send the link to the customer on the order page. I always tell them to download the video as I will delete it from Dropbox in a certain amount of time.
What Happens When You Finish The Gig.
When you finish your get a fiverr! In order for you to get paid, the customer must mark your order as complete. Many times they will leave you with a review. Once this is done fiverr releases the money to you. Sometimes the customer does not mark it as complete and you must contact them or you will not get paid. There is a minimum amount you must earn before the money can be deposited into your Paypal or Checking account.
Finding success with your Fiverr business may not be as easy as you wish. Some of the gigs I have created have been utter failures, never making a sale. Being creative is key and paying attention to what people are interested in is very important. If you are getting a lot of orders, that will cause your gig to move to the front page of fiverr, and that in itself will result in more orders. Once orders die out you will not be easily found and work will slow down. When I was doing my Santa gig, I was getting 20 or more orders per day. This put me on the front page of fiverr and then people saw my other gigs. I had so many orders at one point that I could hardly keep up. Then it suddenly stopped when my Santa gig ended. I went months with no orders at all. It’s best to add new gigs or re-do old gigs in order to stay in the game.
If you want to know more about starting a Fiverr business, go check them out and see what gigs people are offering. You may think of something new you can do or find that you can do a better job than what another is doing. You may very well be on your way to making an amazing income right from the comfort of your home! Many people have a hard time making that initial decision as to whether or not they should take the risk in something that could change their life. Recently I made video about how the only time I ever saw real success with anything was because I took that risk. You can watch the video here.
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Mike M Burke
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If you have creative ideas for creating your own Fiverr business, please comment and share!
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