Saturday, August 31, 2013

How To Write Ads That Are Effective

One of the most difficult aspects of online marketing is how to write ads that are effective. Many online marketers struggle with this. Your ads must be compelling enough to get your viewer to click on to your website. That is an ads main purpose. Once they get into your system, the landing page itself should sell your product or service to them, not the ad.

The Easy Way to Write Ads That Are Effective

ads that are effective
Before you begin, you should use your computer’s notepad or a better solution is your computer’s word processor. This will help you check for spelling errors later on. One of the best ways to learn how to write ads that are effective is to look at other ads. Go to various online classified sites and browse through the various ads you see. Use your own judgment to choose the ones that really stand out to you and then copy and paste them into your notepad or word processor. Try to grab as many ads as you possibly can. The next step is to edit these ads to fit your own product or services. Do not use the ad that you copied exactly the way it was written. It is very important that you be ethical and honest. Always edit the ads in order to make them your own. This process could help you create hundreds of compelling ads the easy way.

Write Ads That Are Effective By Being Creative

The only real rule in learning how to write ads that are effective is to keep it simple. Your main goal is to get the viewer to go to your website. It’s best to think of it as a funnel. The top of the funnel is your compelling headline. That gets the viewer to drop into the funnel and then it is up to your ad to get them to drop out at the bottom of the funnel and into your website. If you have a sense of humor you can use that to your advantage. Sometimes making the viewer laugh may get them to click on to your link. You can also tell very short stories that features only a few sentences but is related to what you’re promoting.

Always Be Honest

You never want to lie or deceive in your ads. Do not make any kind of false claims. Many times the only thing you really want to do is mention bullet points and just enough information to get them to click on that website link. That is the most important part. You don’t really want to be selling the product or service in the ad. You want the website to do that for you. You want to just tease them enough to get them interested in learning more.

How To Write Ads From Spam Emails

Believe it or not spam emails can be your best friend. These annoying emails that features a lot of hocus-pocus can actually help lead you to write ads that are effective. It is the same concept as going to classified sites and copying the ads that appeal to you the most. With spam you can grab the most compelling parts of each email and combine them into one effective ad. With the amount of spam emails that comes through your mailbox every day you may find that you can write hundreds of effective ads in less time than you think. Many of the spam emails are written just like classified ads. Their whole purpose is to get you to click onto the link that they usually have available at the end of the message. They always try to entice you without actually telling you too much. That’s exactly what you want your ads to do.

Have A Long Term Plan

Not every online marketer works like I do, however I have found that having a long-term plan actually helps save me a lot of time. I’m only suggesting this as an idea to help you. It is not something that is necessary to succeed. What I like to do is spend a day or two and write as many ads as possible. My goal is to have at least 150 to 200 ads in total. I then go through those ads and try to write ads that are effective through editing. My whole purpose is to be able to eliminate having to write ads all of the time. By having a file full of great ads all I have to do now is copy and paste. In the long run this will save you so much time. Before you know it you’ll only be spending an hour a day working online and then enjoying the rest of the day for yourself. If you spend a week or two writing all of your ads and headlines, you will not have to worry about doing it again. Every once in awhile you can add a few new ones. This also takes the pressure off of having to have enough adds for all of the sites you will post to daily. Having a system in place, such as a spreadsheet, can be very helpful in keeping everything organized. I also find that the more I write ads that are effective the more traffic I get.

Writing great ads doesn’t have to be a chore. With just a few techniques and some creativity you can actually have a little bit of fun while doing it. Always keep it simple and honest. A sense of humor can go a long way as well. Set a long term goal of writing as many as 200 ads in total to have in your file for when ever you need. If you do all the work now, in the future you will have so much more free time to spend doing the things you love.

READ: how-to-write-ads-from-spam-emails

If you like this post please “like” and “share” for more content.

Mike M Burke
Work With Me Personally! CLICK HERE

P.S. Tell your boss to STUFF IT! Work for yourself HERE!

Now that you know how to write ads that are effective please comment and share.

Friday, August 30, 2013

How To Write Articles For Marketing

If you have a business, product, or service to promote you could write articles for marketing. It can be very effective. But what is article marketing exactly? Once you learn you may find this to be a very exciting and fantastic way to generate free traffic to your website, products, or services. The best part is, if you do not have any kind of writing ability, you can always try outsourcing to someone to do it for you.

Learn The Process And Then Write Articles For Marketing

write articles for marketing
Article marketing is actually a very simple process. You write articles for marketing based on anything informative. The article can be about something you have knowledge of, products you use, reviews, etc. At the end of your article will be your signature followed by a call to action. It is only effective if your call to action is done correctly. Without a good call of action that entices the viewer to go to your website or link, you will not get any traffic and therefore your article will fail. It’s important to understand however, that you must follow a simple format in order to get people to actually read and find your article.

How To Actually Write Articles For Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best ways for you to gain traffic to your site, however, unless you format your article correctly, you will see little to no traffic. You should always make sure it is 400 to 500 words minimum. Most of the time anything less will make it more difficult for your article to be found in search engines or get approved on various article sites. The next thing you want to do is to decide on the topic. Once you figure out that topic you then need to find one keyword or key phrase that is based on that very topic. Your going to want to research that word to make sure that you will be able to gain traffic using it. Ways of doing this would be to use Google Keyword Planner or to do searches in Google itself and only use this keyword or key phrase if the search result is 300,000 or less. For your keyword or key-phrase choice you want to look for search results that are above 300. For a Google search make sure you don't use it if it's 300,000 results or  more.  The main purpose of this is to write articles for marketing that will be found when someone searches for that topic using that keyword. If you have too much competition your articles are going to be buried somewhere along page 10,20, or beyond where most people will not venture out to.

You want to make sure that you place your keyword or key phrase in the title of your article, also known as your H1 tag, in your H2 tag (Your Second heading), your H3 tag (3rd Heading), in the first line of your first sentence, in the very last line of your last sentence, and after about every 100 words throughout the article. Your main goal is to have this word or phrase listed at least five or more times. Before submitting to an article site or directory be sure to check out their rules as some may vary. This entire process is called SEO which stands for search engine optimization. This is the process that will get your articles found with in the search results and is vital in order to write articles for marketing that serves a purpose of gaining traffic to your site.

How Should You Write Content

Unlike blog posts, when you write an articles for marketing you should be less self-serving and more informative. You want to avoid using I, me, or to tell any of your own personal stories or experiences. You do want to base the article on your experience and your knowledge but you want to do it in more of a way that’s informative than personal. You do have a little more freedom with writing a blog post then you do an article and both ways can earn you income. Many article sites will not approve your written piece if it is too self-serving or based on yourself. The same holds true if you are writing a review using an article site. You want to be able to tell your experience about using the product or service without actually saying “I” or “me.” It is better to put the reader into the story or review by using the word “you.”


You can always look into outsourcing by hiring someone to write articles for marketing your business, products, or services. Believe it or not there are a lot of fantastic writers who offer their service to you. Typically these writers are experts in writing SEO articles. The only thing you need to do is come up with the topic, the keyword or keyword phrase, and the article title. The writer will then write the article using the SEO methods. Outsourcing is fantastic for anybody who struggles with writing or have simply run out of ideas. If you have some money to spend than this is an investment worth it as it will pay you back tenfold. There are various outsourcing options as to where you can find your writers. Two suggestions I have are and For fiverr you can seek out writers by searching for them and with odesk you can actually post jobs and people will apply for that job at a price within a budget you choose.

Article Writing Versus Blogging

Formatting for both articles and blog post are very similar. You actually take the same steps however there is a big difference when you write articles for marketing versus blogging for marketing. If you’re going to write articles you will need to submit them to article directories and sites. The biggest one is Ezine Articles and they do not make it easy to get your article approved. They are very a inefficient website however 70% of your traffic will come from them. The more articles you write and get approved the better chances you are of having a ton of traffic come to your website. You should know that it takes seven days after you submit your content to Ezine Articles for them to either approve or deny it. If they deny it they will send you a generic message as to why. They do not give you the real reason. You will then need to email them back and ask for the actual reason. They will then take seven days to get back to you. You will then need to rewrite your article and then submitted again. That will take a another seven days for it to either get approved or denied. It could very well be denied again and you will need to repeat this process all over again. As you can see it could take a very long time to get one article approved. There are many article sites that you could submit to however Ezine is the top and will give you the most traffic.

One thing to keep in mind is that you do not want to submit the same article to another site. Search engines do not like duplicate content and therefore will not accept that in the search results. If you are to submit articles to other sites you can rewrite your article slightly different in order to get it through or use article spinning software or online programs to create multiple versions of your article.

A blog post is a much more freeing way of writing online. There is no approval process you must go through therefore you can always get your articles up and in order to be really effective with marketing you can post every single day. When write articles for marketing you may find it to me more difficult to get them approved in order to post new content daily. The other difference is that you can be more personal in your blog post. Although you should format your post exactly the way you would an article you can use words such as “I” and “me.” You also don’t always have to do an informative post or how to post; you can do stories, viral, and videos, etc.

When you write articles for marketing you have the ability to gain a ton of free traffic to your website. There is a great potential to earn residual income because once your article is out there it is always out there year after year. It is one of the most effective ways to earn income through online marketing.

READ: the-truth-about-affiliate-marketing

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Mike M Burke
Work With Me Personally! CLICK HERE

P.S. Start an online business and get 100 FREE sales leads a day to help.
Watch the video PRESENTATION HERE.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What Is An MCA Job

When you search online for a job you may have come across an MCA Job. This is especially true if you have looked into affiliate marketing. There has been a lot of talk lately about this particular job but what is it exactly? I have the juicy details and I am going to share them with you!

Who Is MCA Job?

MCA is short for Motor Club of America. They started their business in 1926 and claim to have had  over 7 million customers. They offer customers roadside benefit packages such as towing, legal protection, bail, travel assistance, and so much more. In order to embrace the 21rst century, and to expand their company’s success, they have abandoned relic advertising methods such as TV, Radio, and print. They believe that advertising on TV is a waste of money because most people use DVR’s and skip the commercials. Radio and print ads have a lot less listeners and readers in today’s world. Instead, they decided  to rely on simple affiliate marketing methods by partnering up with Home Sales Associates through TVC Matrix (An MCA Partner.) In order to make it all happen they offer an MCA job with full training, benefits,  and your own affiliate site.

What Is An MCA Job Exactly?

Many people have heard of MCA and have seen their stickers in car windows. Many believe that their emergency roadside services are much better than AAA, my mechanic brothers agree. While searching for a job, you may come across ads linking to an MCA affiliate site, video, or webinar. Typically once you proceed you will either register for the webinar or learn what an MCA job is through an instant video and then have the option of signing up. These sites belong to Sales Associates who have created teams and marketing systems. A job seeker who likes what they see, will sign up for an associate position,  and most of the time sign up for the roadside benefits package. When this happens, the original job poster will be paid a commission for the sale. Once you sign up, you will receive a W2 from MCA as well as other paperwork. You now have the ability to get paid promoting MCA.

The Sign Up Process

The sign up process various depending on your sponsor. Sometimes you will be signing up for a free marketing system full of training videos, etc. You will then be directed to sign up for MCA where you will become an associate. Most who sign up for an MCA Job will choose a  subscription to their security roadside benefits service. The initial cost is $39.95 to cover the first and last month and then $19.95/month. Many associates find that the monthly fee is not such a big deal as their profits usually pay for it as MCA pays you $80.00 for every sign up you bring them. This can be very lucrative. The other good part about this has to do with being ethical. You should not really promote a product you don't use yourself. Once you sign up you will get a packet in the mail with your window sticker and benefits package. This is basically a contract job with a real company, therefore you must fill out employee type paperwork and tax forms that must be mailed back to them. You will also  receive welcome emails from Motor Club, your team, and your sponsor with links to the training and other helpful info. With an MCA job, they pay every Friday and suggest agents call them to set up direct deposit. Finally, you begin the training and have the option to start working that day which is easier said than done as not everyone can learn the process as quickly as others.

How The Whole Thing Works

The training mostly uses videos to show agents what do to. The process is usually simple. They teach methods about advertising on free classified sites, creating videos, writing blog posts, and even doing outside methods such as flyers in order to generate leads. For the most part, associates don’t need to do any direct selling or phone work. They get leads through the methods taught and send them to a capture page (which is provided) that usually sells the product for you. When the sales associate has a lead that pays $39.95 for a membership to the roadside benefits package, they get paid a commission of $80.00. This is actually an advance based on the new member continuing their membership for four months. Some choose to just buy the service and many decide to take advantage of the MCA Job that is available.

Does It Really Work?

The most important question of all,  does this actually work? The answer is yes however each members success is based on how much time and effort they put into this. Many members claim to make multiple sales a day giving them a better income than they had at a brick and mortar job. One of their most well known and successful  Sales Associates showed proof that she was able to earn $107,000 in her first seven months. There are other members, however, who claim to have made no sales in the beginning. Like any and all work that is available online, an MCA job takes time. It requires people who are willing to try and put forth the effort. Not everyone starts at the top. You must work way your way up. It seems to be the consensus that not everyone will succeed doing this. The work involves writing compelling ads, blog posts, and videos that will entice people to visit your site. Not everyone is good at this no matter how much training they get. At the end of the day Motor Club of America is a real company with a real history, and their affiliate marketing job is one of the best online opportunities out there with a product of true value that actually helps others. Agents are free to be creative in their methods. The whole goal is to get traffic to your site in hopes they will like what they see and sign up.

READ: how-to-be-successful-with-mca-motor-club

Motor Club Of America’s affiliate marketing job can be a great way to earn a little extra income or even full time pay. Making $80.00 per sale not only pays four months of  membership fees but just two sales a day, six days a week, can earn you nearly $1000. Not everyone will become rich overnight and it could take weeks, months, and even a year to earn full time pay. It all depends on how much time you devote and the methods you choose to implement. The good news is that this is an honest way to make money online by promoting a product of true value that has helped millions of people for nearly 90 years.

If you like this post please “like” and “share” for more content.

Mike M Burke

Work With Me Personally!  DreamBigger Team

P.S. Work less hours, enjoy more free time, and earn $100, $500, or more a day doing 
super simple work! Click Here to learn how!

Now that you know about what is an MCA Job is please comment and share with others!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Is Project Payday Legit; BEWARE

Is Project Payday legit can be answered using my own experience. I want to make it clear that I’m not going to bash this company because I did make money, however, I do feel that I need to warn you about a few things. There are certain steps involved that could become very costly and dangerous to not only your wallet but also your credit if you are not aware of the pitfalls.

So is Project Payday legit? Who Are They?

Is Project Payday Legit

Project Payday is a free to join site that trains you how to utilize IFWs (incentivized freebie websites) which means that you complete offers for companies. Most of the time these companies are well known such as book clubs or cosmetic products. Most of the offers are free trials that will usually last anywhere from 10 to 30 days. So is Project Payday legit? My honest answer is YES but there are warnings you must heed.

In method one you are considered a referral which means that you complete offers for others. Basically the way this works is that if you complete that person’s offer, the company will then pay that person. That person will then pay you for completing their offer. It’s a win-win for all three.  In method two you will now create offers and get paid by the company. You will then pay the person who completed the offer for you out of your earnings. Most feel that this earns you the most income and can actually make good money doing so. For example let's say you get paid $150.00 from a company. You then pay someone perhaps $40.00  to complete that offer. You make a $110.00 profit! Now this sample is made up so what you are paid and what you pay someone will be different.

In method three you join various Freebee sites (CPA offers) and then you must complete typically 10 offers. Once those offers are complete you are eligible to win prizes or money. For example you could win gaming systems, television sets, or money that goes directly to your PayPal account. The way this works is that someone that you refer to that site completes the same process you just did, you will then be eligible for the prize you have chosen. For example say you have chosen to win a gaming system. You will need to refer four people in order to get that gaming system. Once those four people complete those offers you will now get that gaming system. When you are part of the Project Payday system you can actually join various sites just like this one in order to earn more cash and prizes.

Method one and Method two you must complete a series of offers and join a series of freebee sites in order to be eligible to join the forums. This is where things can get dicey. If you want to make a lot of money with Project Payday than the forums are the best place to go however before people get there they begin to question "Is Project Payday legit?" More on that later.

For all of these methods the money comes from within. You’ll find that you are not spending your own money from your bank account. By completing the first set of offers you are paid $50. As you move on completing each process you get paid. You are then able to use that money to invest into this particular system. It is a great way to earn money without actually losing your own however there is a huge risk when completing the offers themselves.


About a year ago I went online searching for work. I wanted something that I could do at home. My goal was to be able to quit my job as soon as possible. While searching I found this. I found a good Project Payday legit review so I decided to join them. I can honestly say they are not a scam or scheme and I actually made money. With that in mind I do need to offer a warning later on in this post.

The first thing you do is go through all of the training. It is very important that you watch all of the videos and read all of the documents. There is a lot to go over. One of the things that bothered me were some of the training videos. The person they chose to do the voice-over work had a terrible speaking voice. This woman’s voice was so bad that many times I could not understand what she was saying. For a company who takes pride in their business they should have hired someone with a more professional speaking voice. All of the videos use screen capture software in order to show you exactly how the process works which is helpful. I suggest having notebooks handy because you will need to take a lot of notes in order to remember everything you learn. The most important thing about learning the truth about Project Payday is to understand what they do exactly and be cautious.


They offer you a way of earning income for completing offers for others. Most of the time these are well-known companies who offer free trials or paid trials to their products or services. In order to get started there are steps you need to take. The first step is called “Fast Fifty." This step gives you a chance to earn $50 right away. You join various Freebee sites (CPA offers) and then you must complete 10 offers. Most of these offers are free trials. Once you complete the 10 offers on the first site and have been approved (which is called going green) and you will be paid $50. This step is the easiest and indeed I was paid $50 soon after joining Project Payday. You are then sent other steps in order to earn more money. For the next step I had to complete five offers and then I got paid $25. Once that step was done I had the ability to make more money by completing a quick survey. Once you complete the offers for all of these free sites you then have a chance to promote those sites and get others to complete offers where you will be able to win lots of money and prizes. This is where I came to a roadblock and had me asking is Project Payday legit?


In order to succeed  you must complete all of the steps required. Each step brings you closer to what will become your main goal. In a way it is like being promoted in a company. You start on the bottom and work your way up. The truth about Project Payday is that it’s not just about completing a series of offers at once for various companies. What you’re actually working towards is being accepted to the forums. Once you are in the forums you will then be working on method one and method two. This is where the big money comes into play. With just a few hours of work each day you can actually make a lot of money by doing this. The problem is ...... actually getting accepted on the forums!


You don’t just have to complete offers in order to make money with them. When you join and complete your first group of offers you are given an affiliate link. You now have the ability to get paid to promote Project Payday. You can promote it through email marketing, Facebook marketing, video, posting free classified ads, and blog posts. Because of the huge roadblock that you will face, many people decide to just promote them instead of going through all of the steps of completing offers. Every time someone signs up through your link you get paid two dollars. Now that's not big money but it can add up as some extra income each week. The more people you sign the more money you will be paid per opt in. Because people have gotten paid the commissions they stop asking is Project Payday legit and accept them as a way to earn income from home but as I have been hinting at I must warn you!


I've been telling you the truth about Project Payday however there is one thing that is very important if you decide to join them. As I have mentioned earlier I am not here to bash them. I think it’s a great way to earn some income. I do need to warn you though. There is a huge danger when completing offers. I want to go through this step-by-step because a lot of people can actually get themselves into some serious trouble is this why so many ask is Project Payday legit or a money sucking scam!

All of the companies that you will be completing offers for are legitimate companies. Most of them you heard of. This is a great way for them to get people to buy their products by offering free or paid trials. These companies hope that you will like their trial products and then decide to join their subscription plan or to outright buy their product. Project Payday is legit so this is why they choose to advertise with them. The biggest problem with this is, unless you have a lot of money, you will not be able to afford paying for all of these offers and products. For example I completed three free offers for cosmetic products that I was going to give to family members. I had 30 days to use the product and decide if I liked it. If decided I liked the product and wanted to buy it I was going to be charged $75 each. I did not have that kind of money to buy these products so before the trial was up I had planned on canceling it. Before I had a chance to cancel, a week before the trial was to end, I got charged $225 for all three products. The problem for me was that I had just lost my job and could not afford to have that kind of money taken out of my bank account. I actually could not afford to buy food that week! I had to wait until the products arrived, then ship them back, and wait for my refund.

This is not an uncommon practice. If you do not cancel your trial and return the product at the right time you can actually cost yourself in many ways. For example if you end a trial too early you will then not be eligible for the money that you got paid through Project Payday and you will have to return it. If you do not cancel your trial in time you can actually be charged for the products because that company will assume that you are going to continue buying from them. Sometimes they will mail out products to you without notifying you. In order to make this process work you must have a plan in place and know when the proper time to cancel your trial would be if you choose to do so. Project Payday suggest that you do not end your trials and keep the products and continue buying the products however unless you are making a lot of money you’re not going to be able to afford it. Another option is investing the money you earn back into the system in order to climb the latter to the forums, which is where you want to get to.

Another thing to be warned about is the process involved to actually get to method one and two. Those are the methods that are most important in order to succeed and earn a decent income. The problem is, you must join many freebie sites. You must complete the offers required on each of those sites. Think of it as a video game. You can't get to level three without completing level two. You will find as you go through each freebie site and go green at the offers become increasingly expensive. The very first site has all free offers, the second has low priced offers such as two to five dollars, then site begins to move up into the $20 range, and then the prices of the offers start getting into large numbers such as $70 or $100. By that point you’re not just buying offers but the actual product. If you have the money to spend and can make it through all of those offers you will be golden however it is a huge and expensive process to get there. It all depends on your goal.

READ: free-money-online-doing-this

I decided not to continue on completing all of those offers because I simply couldn't afford it. After getting charged the amount of money I did and not being able to buy food for myself for that week I ended up putting them on hold. Project Payday is legit and a site that is worth doing if you are prepared. It’s a great and fun way to earn money and you get lots of cool stuff. Just keep my warnings in mind when you’re proceeding in order to protect yourself and if you happen to have the money to invest in all of these offers in order to get to method one into and you are going to find yourself in a really good place.

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Mike M Burke
Work with me personally! JOIN MY TEAM HERE!!

P.S. Work for yourself online by CLICKING HERE!

Project Payday is legit and if you know others who would like learn more them please share this post!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

5FigureDay Exposed

5 FigureDay Exposed

In 5FigureDay Exposed I will review and spill the beans about the fastest rising system that claims to make you money on autopilot. It began in August of 2013 and I had been a member since then, well, that is until now. So did I see any results and why am I no longer a member? Keep reading to find out!

5FigureDay Exposed Eleven In The Morning

On August 6th I got an email telling me about some big announcement for 11am in the morning the next day. I was not in the best of moods at the time and was cynically interested. I figured it was an announcement about some other "new" hyped up work at home system that promises to make thousands that you never see. I was still interested in what the announcement was going to be so at 11am the next morning I checked my email and nothing. The message was late. Finally about 10 minutes later it arrived. The message took me to a video where the creator of this new system, Bryan Winters, made his announcement. Soon after my mood changed and I became very excited by the possibilities. 5FigureDay Exposed itself as something entirely new and with my experience of working online I knew that this could work.

5FigureDay Exposed For It's Claims

The video was long, a little too long actually, but finally 5FigureDay exposed itself for what it can do. The process is so simple and yet made so much sense to me. You sign up for free, no fees involved, and then you giveaway free websites. Those free websites are actually your own personal sales team. What you do is give away websites all the while building an email list. These people agree to become your subscriber. They will also do what you do and give away free sites. The potential to build a large list very quickly is very possible.  In order to give away those free cash generating websites you must target the correct people (those who want to make money online) and you that through solo ads, Blogging, Facebook, etc.

When you get your free system, which is instantly, you can start. The key to getting people to opt-in is by giving away things for free so that made this brilliant. You can also make upfront sales by becoming a member of  "Unleashed" which is a huge upgrade that costs $97.00  a month. From this you get $44.36 as a monthly residual income per member upgrade. This is a great way to build an income.

Everyone who gets this system typically signs up for an email auto-responder. This allows you to email your list on autopilot. This is where the money comes into play. You send a mix of emails each week. You give tips, tell jokes and stories, and encouragement. You want to engage your list and earn their trust. Within those messages you give away free gifts and also add in products they can buy. When they do you earn a commission. The bigger your list the more money you could make. Most marketers look at each subscriber as being worth a dollar. For example if you have a list of 1,000 you may earn $1,000 a month.


"Unleashed" was a great package full of wonderful benefits. It included get a new website every 30 days, the commissions, and something called autopilot leads. This is when the people you bring into your system get people into theirs. When their people upgrade to "Unleashed" you also get a commission. This is $22.00 a month. Many members got more autopilot leads in a very short time compared to their own leads. I personally liked the new website every month because capture pages and sites become stale eventually and the market becomes over saturated. This is great too for anyone who doesn't want to make their own capture pages.

5FigureDay Exposed By My Personal Experience

I could not pass this up. I wanted to grow my business and work less hours. I am very anxious about getting back into my entertainment business and I don't want to have to worry about not having enough money to pays bill. This system really intrigued me.
I signed up for 5FigureDay about five minutes after it launched. I already had advertisement methods and ads in my arsenal so I was able to start my campaign instantly. Within minutes of creating my user name I had people opting into my system and days later made two sales. That was $88.00 a month. I also got autopilot leads. From August to December I made 25 Unleashed sales and a bunch of sales for other products that I offered and that were offered by the "Unleashed" websites. My income had reached part-time pay. I was in the process of scaling it up to complete my first goal of full time pay. From there I wanted to double everything. Sadly, I would never get that chance.

I became 5FigureDay's biggest cheerleader. I made videos about it, blog posts, and became a force in the Facebook Group. I loved this system and it worked. Finally I was making real money in online marketing. I had even devised a 4 month plan recently that would have me making $25,000 a month by spring. That plan would need to be thwarted due to an unfortunate change as it was all based in "Unleashed" upgrades. Now the FB group was an important aspect of it because you got updates, tips, tricks, and member results. It was great to see what was working and wasn't. I made sure to be as helpful as I can. I would answer questions and give tips. I would also give members some encouragement from time to time. At one point I actually won a contest for the best comment about 5FigureDay and the prize was a free share in the advertising coop. My name had become known. So with all that great stuff, the sales, part-time income, the Facebook group, and me being the system's biggest cheerleader then how did things go very wrong?

5FigureDay Changes And It's Not Good 

As 2014 arrived I was ready to execute a huge plan involving solo ads that would grow my income to $25,000 a month by April. One night I checked ClickBank to check my commissions and found something disturbing. All but two members had quit 5FigureDay! I was stunned! My residual income was gone. The two that were left were only $12.00 residual pay each. That made no sense to me when it should have been $44.00. Confused, I began to investigate and that's when 5FigureDay exposed something very upsetting.

In December a change was made to the system that long-time members were not made aware of. No announcement was made, nothing in the Facebook group, and not a word from Brian Winters. This change deeply affected the income of "Unleashed" members. While I was advertising my website, what I didn't know, was that when leads were presented with the "Unleashed" offer they were also presented with a much cheaper option. This was a $27.00 package that came with 5 Unleashed websites. So what do you think happened? People went for the cheap package. I probably would have too. Out of that $27.00 I only got a $12.00 commission. That's a big problem when I am paying $97.00 to be an "Unleashed" member. It doesn't make much sense to spend that kind of money, and pay for solo ads, and the auto-responder to only make measly $12.00 payments. It would take over 15 sales just to cover costs. You would need a lot of highly converting solo ads to see upfront sales like that. Now if I was a $27.00 paying member than this would be fine but I found it to be unfair for a $97.00 paying member. It did not make sense to me.

I should note that new marketers depend on the upfront sales because they are new to list building and email marketing. I struggled with it myself for my first few months only make a few sales. Other new marketers make no money with their list. It takes time, tweaks, and finding what works. It wasn't until months later when I finally got it right. I really sucked at it for awhile. It was the upfront sales that were appealing and drove many of us and now that was robbed from us without even a word from Brian Winters.

Brian Winters Silences My Voice QUICKLY

After 5FigureDay exposed itself I went to the Facebook group to get opinions. I posted a question in order to see how this change affected their business. Did it help, hurt, or no change? Once members responded I engaged in conversation. I shared my thoughts and disappointment about the change. I was respectful, non-confrontational, and did not bash the system. I expressed my concerns on how these changes hurt my business. A new member chimed in validating my thoughts by noting that a $97 member making $12.00 commissions didn't seem to make sense. I agreed and stated that it would be nice if "Unleashed" members had a choice if they wanted to offer the cheaper version or not. I then stated due to the major loss in revenue I may need to seek another system. I was then quickly silenced.

Without even an explanation I was deleted and banned from the Facebook Group. Me, the biggest 5FD cheerleader. The very person who won a contest for the most positive comment about 5FigureDay. Why? Because I expressed my opinion? I guess I exposed something Brian Winter's didn't want known. Something they had hoped other members would keep their mouths shut about. In days I would learn that Brian Winters was not as nice as he seemed online.

Shunned By The System

I set out to seek the answer as to who kicked me out and why. No one had the balls to stand up and admit it. Brian Winter's ignored all emails and FB messages from me. Finally two of the six administrators replied not knowing what was going on and was unaware I was banned. Fed-up by how I was treated I knew the end had arrived. I will not be silenced for my opinions and it's obvious they didn't want the truth about 5FigureDay exposed. Those gutless weasels deleted me, banned me, and then ignored me. They were disrespectful. After days of their silence I ended 5FigureDay. When I did, I left a comment on the cancellation page for "Unleashed" which states that I was disrespected and that I feel they do not treat their members and customers well. That comment finally forced Brian Winters to come out of his cave and respond by emailing me to ask why I felt that way.

I responded by telling him about how I was kicked out and banned over my opinion. I didn't tell him what my comments said. It didn't matter. I was out of 5FigureDay. He then responded and that's when he revealed his true self. He starts off by claiming he doesn't know who banned me or any of what I said. He then says that maybe I said something negative. From there he went on to explain the $27 option versus the $97 option and why he did it. His whole statement related exactly to my Facebook comments. So if he didn't know what I said in the group then how is it he knows EXACTLY what I said? It seems to me he might know more than he is saying. I believe he kicked me out of the group and wanted me shut down.

After my response to that he wrote back and was very rude, snarky, and obnoxious. He showed me that 5FigureDay members hold no value to him or his team. This guy was my sponsor. I signed under him. The money I paid went directly to him. I was part of this system since day one and this is how I am treated?  His comments about "Unleashed" and 5FigureDay exposed something very interesting .

You see the changes were made to the system because huge numbers of members were dropping "Unleashed." He claimed the economy was the reason for the disturbing drop off rate. So he placed that other option to help members make sales. Now I would have been fine with this and understood if he had made an announcement to members. It would have allowed me to better plan. Instead I was buying solo ads expecting my typical 1 to 2 "Unleashed" sales per solo ad campaign.  It seems to me 5FigureDay is not what it once was and perhaps will never be as good and how many other members were treated like me. This is suppose to be a team. When a member expresses a concern you address it not silence them.

The Coop Is A Joke

It cost $40.00 to be in the monthly coop. From the first day it launched it failed. The number of opt-ins were low every month and the upfront sales rarely happened. I made one sale last month from the coop but that member quit soon after. Other members of 5FigureDay also reported low results. One particular month the coop was so bad that the person running it had to make a public apology to all members. As I write this today, this month's coop never started. It begins on the 21rst of the previous month and today is the 10th. In a week and half the next month's coop starts. How does this make sense? Seems like any member who spends that loses. I did. As a matter of fact because I dropped 5FigureDay I also quit the coop before it started and they are refusing to return my money. They are ignoring my messages and soon may force me to take legal actions against them. What a sad turn of events this has become from a system that I loved.

My Final Thoughts

I have belonged to a few systems. I liked those systems but they were slow to earn income and had terrible capture pages. In recent months I narrowed it down to the three best system with 5FigureDay as the best of the best but sadly things changed. Brian Winters mishandled things. He should have been more open with the members and not silence those who had concerns. People are silenced when they are seen as a threat. Perhaps my opinion about 5FigureDay exposed something they didn't want known. Perhaps the truth is something they don't believe in.  I was a long-time member who was there since the beginning. I deserved better than that.

**UPDATE: MARCH 10 ** READ: 5figureday-truth-exposed
I finally received my money back from the co-op. I also got into a back and fourth email conversation with Bryan Winters and the biggest problem is that he was not understanding my problem. He continued to accuse me of being an angry and negative person who is angry with the fee changes. That was not why I left 5FigureDay nor the reason why I was angry. I was angry about being silenced, banned, and ignored after I expressed my opinions and concerns. It was not about the changes. I was just concerned. I had to map it out and finally he understood.

I have turned this negative into something positive. I am now a member of a new system that blows 5FigureDay out of the water! I will take what I learned from 5FD and apply it in my new venture. I am not sure if 5FD will last or change their model but this new system I have joined works with the top online businesses and this will give it longevity, stamina, multiple streams of income, and is highly converting!

If this post has been helpful please "like and share" with others.

Mike Burke JR
Work With Me Personally- JOIN HERE! (You WON'T be Silenced here!)

If 5FigureDay Exposed was a helpful review please share this with others.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Way To Make Money Online - Schemes And Real

If you are interested in trying to find a way to make money on the internet there are some things to be aware of. With so many scams online it is very difficult to know what the real online job opportunities are from the lies. Using my own experience, I will show you what works and what doesn't.

A Way To Make Money Online Before The Internet

way to make money
Before there was a way to make money online, many were scammed by two of the biggest work at home scams out there. There was stuffing envelopes for cash and assembling products at home. I was a teen and I wanted to be rich. I took lawn mowing money and stuffed 200 envelopes with my name and a dollar. I had buy 200 stamps as well and then mailed them to a list of people (a list I paid for through from a magazine classified ad) with the hope that they would do what I just did and I would make tons of money right in my mailbox. I never made anything not even a chewed piece of gum mailed back to me! The assembling products at home seemed like a real way to make money. I paid $5.00 for a kit, they mailed it to me with instructions, I assembled it, and then mailed it back to them. In return they failed my work. I repeated the process, made the product perfect, and they failed it over and over again! It didn't take long for me to see that I had been scammed. These methods have now been replaced by online scams that can prove to be more costly such as MLM schemes or recruiting people for to fake websites.

A Dangerous Way To Make Money Online Can Be Costly

One of the biggest scams online could actually drain your wallet. There are many sites that claim they will pay you to complete offers and free trials. Not all of these sites are schemes but there are enough for you to keep your eyes open and play it smart. All of these sites, scheme or real, fail to tell you the risks involved and how this is a dangerous way to make money online. For example, if you complete 10 free offers, one site will pay $50.00. I did this myself and yes I was paid. You then advanced to the next group in order to complete another five offers for more money. The deeper I advanced I got into this the more ridiculous it became. In order to make money and a regular income, I would need to complete fifty or more offers. The problem with that is after your first ten or so offers, they are no longer free. They can be anywhere from $1.00 to $75.00 each and you have no choice of offers but what is on that list. Just do the math and you can see how costly this can become. I made some extra cash but after some problems I ran into I had to get out. The biggest thing to beware of, is that this can be very dangerous to your credit card or checking account especially if you are low on funds. You must stick with a free or paid trial for at least the entire duration before you end it or you will lose the credit and money. Second, these companies will mail you more products at full price (typically $75.00) without any warning and suddenly you will get charged. Imagine how much you will be charged if twenty, thirty, or even fifty companies all charge you before you have the chance cancel.

It is suggested by these cash for offer sites that you continue with the subscriptions and not cancel but stay long term. If you have the money to invest and are willing to go all the way you can earn a decent income. Just look for reviews about the site you plan on joining before you register with them. I completed offers for one particular site that turned out to be a scam and they never paid me nor gave me credit. Eventually they shut down the site, with my money, and put their tails between their legs and ran off. I did find one legitimate site called Project Payday and I did make money with them however you still need to be careful with all of these sites regardless. If you like to get free stuff or trials then this may be a great way for you to make money.

Beware Of The Affiliate Marketing Scheme

Another way to make money online is affiliate marketing. This is a great business but there are many scam artists who will take advantage of a real business. Usually these online jobs claim you can make money online by paying them a fee to join their site and repeat exactly what they teach you. What they neglect to tell you is that once you register, you will need to purchase a website and domain name through them. They will then ask you for around $100 to built the site for you. You will be directed to acquire affiliate links from various companies which is easier said then done. You may also need to pay for Paid Per Click ads to get traffic to your site or other paid methods. Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money online but you need to be very careful as to what site or company you join. I joined two different affiliate marketing opportunities where one was a complete fraud and the other was the real thing with a real well known company.

For the scam site, I paid a lot of money for them to build my own site that was specifically made for affiliate links. Once the site was complete I do to seek out companies who would partner up with me and provide me with links to their products. The link would contain my ID. If a someone bought the goods or services through that link I would get paid. The problem that plagued me was that no company would partner up with me. I believe it had to do with the website and the hosting company About a month later the site and company was gone. I had been taken by a scheme.

The second company I joined turned out to be a work at home job with a real brick and mortar company and they offer a great way to make money online. Soon after I began working I made sales. In this particular marketing program I joined, it was free to join, they provided all the training, and the website capture page was free of charge as well. My only start up fee was a fee to buy the product from the company I decided to promote. I made my money back on the first day and a profit due to their high commission rate of 200% per sale. They mostly train you to use free methods to gain traffic and leads. I did choose to spend some money on software and advertising to help me.

Real Trustworthy Sites To Earn An Income

There is no need to be fear being taken online. You can find a way to make money online and change your life. There are a many real sites that you can join that many people are successful with and are 100% the real deal. If you have talent in art or have good photographs you can create your own online shop on CafePress or Zazzle. With these sites you can put your art on mugs, T-Shirts, Posters, and many more cool products. Both sites make it super simple to do and with some promotional work you could be making residual income from home. Another great way to make money online is to create a Etsy shop to sell your handmade items, art, and antiques. I have my own shop and have done pretty well with it. Fiverr is another great site and has become huge for making money. People pay you $5.00 for a service, called a gig, that you provide. The gig can be any type of thing you can think of. A lot of people are doing so well they have made a full time career out of it. Recently a story came out of a guy who was able to buy a house based on his income from his gig alone. Motor Club of America is another real brick and mortar company, in business since 1926, who hires work at home agents and pays very large commissions.

READ: internet-marketing-versus-9-to-5-job

Make sure you stay focused and make the commitment to whatever you choose. Always watch for the scams online. Also make sure to research opportunities before joining. Not all paid membership sites are scams but always watch out for other costs. Before you know it you will have awesome income coming in just from working at home.

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Mike Burke JR

Work With Me Personally! JOIN HERE TODAY

If you have another way to make money online please comment and share!