Saturday, August 31, 2013

How To Write Ads That Are Effective

One of the most difficult aspects of online marketing is how to write ads that are effective. Many online marketers struggle with this. Your ads must be compelling enough to get your viewer to click on to your website. That is an ads main purpose. Once they get into your system, the landing page itself should sell your product or service to them, not the ad.

The Easy Way to Write Ads That Are Effective

ads that are effective
Before you begin, you should use your computer’s notepad or a better solution is your computer’s word processor. This will help you check for spelling errors later on. One of the best ways to learn how to write ads that are effective is to look at other ads. Go to various online classified sites and browse through the various ads you see. Use your own judgment to choose the ones that really stand out to you and then copy and paste them into your notepad or word processor. Try to grab as many ads as you possibly can. The next step is to edit these ads to fit your own product or services. Do not use the ad that you copied exactly the way it was written. It is very important that you be ethical and honest. Always edit the ads in order to make them your own. This process could help you create hundreds of compelling ads the easy way.

Write Ads That Are Effective By Being Creative

The only real rule in learning how to write ads that are effective is to keep it simple. Your main goal is to get the viewer to go to your website. It’s best to think of it as a funnel. The top of the funnel is your compelling headline. That gets the viewer to drop into the funnel and then it is up to your ad to get them to drop out at the bottom of the funnel and into your website. If you have a sense of humor you can use that to your advantage. Sometimes making the viewer laugh may get them to click on to your link. You can also tell very short stories that features only a few sentences but is related to what you’re promoting.

Always Be Honest

You never want to lie or deceive in your ads. Do not make any kind of false claims. Many times the only thing you really want to do is mention bullet points and just enough information to get them to click on that website link. That is the most important part. You don’t really want to be selling the product or service in the ad. You want the website to do that for you. You want to just tease them enough to get them interested in learning more.

How To Write Ads From Spam Emails

Believe it or not spam emails can be your best friend. These annoying emails that features a lot of hocus-pocus can actually help lead you to write ads that are effective. It is the same concept as going to classified sites and copying the ads that appeal to you the most. With spam you can grab the most compelling parts of each email and combine them into one effective ad. With the amount of spam emails that comes through your mailbox every day you may find that you can write hundreds of effective ads in less time than you think. Many of the spam emails are written just like classified ads. Their whole purpose is to get you to click onto the link that they usually have available at the end of the message. They always try to entice you without actually telling you too much. That’s exactly what you want your ads to do.

Have A Long Term Plan

Not every online marketer works like I do, however I have found that having a long-term plan actually helps save me a lot of time. I’m only suggesting this as an idea to help you. It is not something that is necessary to succeed. What I like to do is spend a day or two and write as many ads as possible. My goal is to have at least 150 to 200 ads in total. I then go through those ads and try to write ads that are effective through editing. My whole purpose is to be able to eliminate having to write ads all of the time. By having a file full of great ads all I have to do now is copy and paste. In the long run this will save you so much time. Before you know it you’ll only be spending an hour a day working online and then enjoying the rest of the day for yourself. If you spend a week or two writing all of your ads and headlines, you will not have to worry about doing it again. Every once in awhile you can add a few new ones. This also takes the pressure off of having to have enough adds for all of the sites you will post to daily. Having a system in place, such as a spreadsheet, can be very helpful in keeping everything organized. I also find that the more I write ads that are effective the more traffic I get.

Writing great ads doesn’t have to be a chore. With just a few techniques and some creativity you can actually have a little bit of fun while doing it. Always keep it simple and honest. A sense of humor can go a long way as well. Set a long term goal of writing as many as 200 ads in total to have in your file for when ever you need. If you do all the work now, in the future you will have so much more free time to spend doing the things you love.

READ: how-to-write-ads-from-spam-emails

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Mike M Burke
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