Learn The Process And Then Write Articles For Marketing
Article marketing is actually a very simple process. You write articles for marketing based on anything informative. The article can be about something you have knowledge of, products you use, reviews, etc. At the end of your article will be your signature followed by a call to action. It is only effective if your call to action is done correctly. Without a good call of action that entices the viewer to go to your website or link, you will not get any traffic and therefore your article will fail. It’s important to understand however, that you must follow a simple format in order to get people to actually read and find your article.
How To Actually Write Articles For Marketing
Article marketing is one of the best ways for you to gain traffic to your site, however, unless you format your article correctly, you will see little to no traffic. You should always make sure it is 400 to 500 words minimum. Most of the time anything less will make it more difficult for your article to be found in search engines or get approved on various article sites. The next thing you want to do is to decide on the topic. Once you figure out that topic you then need to find one keyword or key phrase that is based on that very topic. Your going to want to research that word to make sure that you will be able to gain traffic using it. Ways of doing this would be to use Google Keyword Planner or to do searches in Google itself and only use this keyword or key phrase if the search result is 300,000 or less. For your keyword or key-phrase choice you want to look for search results that are above 300. For a Google search make sure you don't use it if it's 300,000 results or more. The main purpose of this is to write articles for marketing that will be found when someone searches for that topic using that keyword. If you have too much competition your articles are going to be buried somewhere along page 10,20, or beyond where most people will not venture out to.
You want to make sure that you place your keyword or key phrase in the title of your article, also known as your H1 tag, in your H2 tag (Your Second heading), your H3 tag (3rd Heading), in the first line of your first sentence, in the very last line of your last sentence, and after about every 100 words throughout the article. Your main goal is to have this word or phrase listed at least five or more times. Before submitting to an article site or directory be sure to check out their rules as some may vary. This entire process is called SEO which stands for search engine optimization. This is the process that will get your articles found with in the search results and is vital in order to write articles for marketing that serves a purpose of gaining traffic to your site.
How Should You Write Content
Unlike blog posts, when you write an articles for marketing you should be less self-serving and more informative. You want to avoid using I, me, or to tell any of your own personal stories or experiences. You do want to base the article on your experience and your knowledge but you want to do it in more of a way that’s informative than personal. You do have a little more freedom with writing a blog post then you do an article and both ways can earn you income. Many article sites will not approve your written piece if it is too self-serving or based on yourself. The same holds true if you are writing a review using an article site. You want to be able to tell your experience about using the product or service without actually saying “I” or “me.” It is better to put the reader into the story or review by using the word “you.”
You can always look into outsourcing by hiring someone to write articles for marketing your business, products, or services. Believe it or not there are a lot of fantastic writers who offer their service to you. Typically these writers are experts in writing SEO articles. The only thing you need to do is come up with the topic, the keyword or keyword phrase, and the article title. The writer will then write the article using the SEO methods. Outsourcing is fantastic for anybody who struggles with writing or have simply run out of ideas. If you have some money to spend than this is an investment worth it as it will pay you back tenfold. There are various outsourcing options as to where you can find your writers. Two suggestions I have are fivver.com and odesk.com. For fiverr you can seek out writers by searching for them and with odesk you can actually post jobs and people will apply for that job at a price within a budget you choose.
Article Writing Versus Blogging
Formatting for both articles and blog post are very similar. You actually take the same steps however there is a big difference when you write articles for marketing versus blogging for marketing. If you’re going to write articles you will need to submit them to article directories and sites. The biggest one is Ezine Articles and they do not make it easy to get your article approved. They are very a inefficient website however 70% of your traffic will come from them. The more articles you write and get approved the better chances you are of having a ton of traffic come to your website. You should know that it takes seven days after you submit your content to Ezine Articles for them to either approve or deny it. If they deny it they will send you a generic message as to why. They do not give you the real reason. You will then need to email them back and ask for the actual reason. They will then take seven days to get back to you. You will then need to rewrite your article and then submitted again. That will take a another seven days for it to either get approved or denied. It could very well be denied again and you will need to repeat this process all over again. As you can see it could take a very long time to get one article approved. There are many article sites that you could submit to however Ezine is the top and will give you the most traffic.
One thing to keep in mind is that you do not want to submit the same article to another site. Search engines do not like duplicate content and therefore will not accept that in the search results. If you are to submit articles to other sites you can rewrite your article slightly different in order to get it through or use article spinning software or online programs to create multiple versions of your article.
A blog post is a much more freeing way of writing online. There is no approval process you must go through therefore you can always get your articles up and in order to be really effective with marketing you can post every single day. When write articles for marketing you may find it to me more difficult to get them approved in order to post new content daily. The other difference is that you can be more personal in your blog post. Although you should format your post exactly the way you would an article you can use words such as “I” and “me.” You also don’t always have to do an informative post or how to post; you can do stories, viral, and videos, etc.
When you write articles for marketing you have the ability to gain a ton of free traffic to your website. There is a great potential to earn residual income because once your article is out there it is always out there year after year. It is one of the most effective ways to earn income through online marketing.
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Mike M Burke
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