Monday, August 19, 2013

Way To Make Money Online - Schemes And Real

If you are interested in trying to find a way to make money on the internet there are some things to be aware of. With so many scams online it is very difficult to know what the real online job opportunities are from the lies. Using my own experience, I will show you what works and what doesn't.

A Way To Make Money Online Before The Internet

way to make money
Before there was a way to make money online, many were scammed by two of the biggest work at home scams out there. There was stuffing envelopes for cash and assembling products at home. I was a teen and I wanted to be rich. I took lawn mowing money and stuffed 200 envelopes with my name and a dollar. I had buy 200 stamps as well and then mailed them to a list of people (a list I paid for through from a magazine classified ad) with the hope that they would do what I just did and I would make tons of money right in my mailbox. I never made anything not even a chewed piece of gum mailed back to me! The assembling products at home seemed like a real way to make money. I paid $5.00 for a kit, they mailed it to me with instructions, I assembled it, and then mailed it back to them. In return they failed my work. I repeated the process, made the product perfect, and they failed it over and over again! It didn't take long for me to see that I had been scammed. These methods have now been replaced by online scams that can prove to be more costly such as MLM schemes or recruiting people for to fake websites.

A Dangerous Way To Make Money Online Can Be Costly

One of the biggest scams online could actually drain your wallet. There are many sites that claim they will pay you to complete offers and free trials. Not all of these sites are schemes but there are enough for you to keep your eyes open and play it smart. All of these sites, scheme or real, fail to tell you the risks involved and how this is a dangerous way to make money online. For example, if you complete 10 free offers, one site will pay $50.00. I did this myself and yes I was paid. You then advanced to the next group in order to complete another five offers for more money. The deeper I advanced I got into this the more ridiculous it became. In order to make money and a regular income, I would need to complete fifty or more offers. The problem with that is after your first ten or so offers, they are no longer free. They can be anywhere from $1.00 to $75.00 each and you have no choice of offers but what is on that list. Just do the math and you can see how costly this can become. I made some extra cash but after some problems I ran into I had to get out. The biggest thing to beware of, is that this can be very dangerous to your credit card or checking account especially if you are low on funds. You must stick with a free or paid trial for at least the entire duration before you end it or you will lose the credit and money. Second, these companies will mail you more products at full price (typically $75.00) without any warning and suddenly you will get charged. Imagine how much you will be charged if twenty, thirty, or even fifty companies all charge you before you have the chance cancel.

It is suggested by these cash for offer sites that you continue with the subscriptions and not cancel but stay long term. If you have the money to invest and are willing to go all the way you can earn a decent income. Just look for reviews about the site you plan on joining before you register with them. I completed offers for one particular site that turned out to be a scam and they never paid me nor gave me credit. Eventually they shut down the site, with my money, and put their tails between their legs and ran off. I did find one legitimate site called Project Payday and I did make money with them however you still need to be careful with all of these sites regardless. If you like to get free stuff or trials then this may be a great way for you to make money.

Beware Of The Affiliate Marketing Scheme

Another way to make money online is affiliate marketing. This is a great business but there are many scam artists who will take advantage of a real business. Usually these online jobs claim you can make money online by paying them a fee to join their site and repeat exactly what they teach you. What they neglect to tell you is that once you register, you will need to purchase a website and domain name through them. They will then ask you for around $100 to built the site for you. You will be directed to acquire affiliate links from various companies which is easier said then done. You may also need to pay for Paid Per Click ads to get traffic to your site or other paid methods. Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money online but you need to be very careful as to what site or company you join. I joined two different affiliate marketing opportunities where one was a complete fraud and the other was the real thing with a real well known company.

For the scam site, I paid a lot of money for them to build my own site that was specifically made for affiliate links. Once the site was complete I do to seek out companies who would partner up with me and provide me with links to their products. The link would contain my ID. If a someone bought the goods or services through that link I would get paid. The problem that plagued me was that no company would partner up with me. I believe it had to do with the website and the hosting company About a month later the site and company was gone. I had been taken by a scheme.

The second company I joined turned out to be a work at home job with a real brick and mortar company and they offer a great way to make money online. Soon after I began working I made sales. In this particular marketing program I joined, it was free to join, they provided all the training, and the website capture page was free of charge as well. My only start up fee was a fee to buy the product from the company I decided to promote. I made my money back on the first day and a profit due to their high commission rate of 200% per sale. They mostly train you to use free methods to gain traffic and leads. I did choose to spend some money on software and advertising to help me.

Real Trustworthy Sites To Earn An Income

There is no need to be fear being taken online. You can find a way to make money online and change your life. There are a many real sites that you can join that many people are successful with and are 100% the real deal. If you have talent in art or have good photographs you can create your own online shop on CafePress or Zazzle. With these sites you can put your art on mugs, T-Shirts, Posters, and many more cool products. Both sites make it super simple to do and with some promotional work you could be making residual income from home. Another great way to make money online is to create a Etsy shop to sell your handmade items, art, and antiques. I have my own shop and have done pretty well with it. Fiverr is another great site and has become huge for making money. People pay you $5.00 for a service, called a gig, that you provide. The gig can be any type of thing you can think of. A lot of people are doing so well they have made a full time career out of it. Recently a story came out of a guy who was able to buy a house based on his income from his gig alone. Motor Club of America is another real brick and mortar company, in business since 1926, who hires work at home agents and pays very large commissions.

READ: internet-marketing-versus-9-to-5-job

Make sure you stay focused and make the commitment to whatever you choose. Always watch for the scams online. Also make sure to research opportunities before joining. Not all paid membership sites are scams but always watch out for other costs. Before you know it you will have awesome income coming in just from working at home.

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Mike Burke JR

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If you have another way to make money online please comment and share!

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