Important Tips For Posting On Craigslist You Need To Know.
For most people who work on the internet, advertising on Craigslist is very important to your business. There are various people who make a full-time living just on their ads from Craigslist. There is a problem however, Craigslist disrespects Internet marketers and advertisers. They were not designed for this purpose. They were designed as a way for local people get in touch with each other for different reasons. The first of my tips for posting on Craigslist is the most vital to remember and that is you is must not break the rules. It could end you your account and ban you from posting permanently It is very important that you exercise caution every time to create an ad. As long as you follow the rules you should be able to post for a long time without too many hiccups.
Before you learn how to post on this site you should execute the second of my tips for posting on Craigslist and that is to prepare your computer. The first thing you should do is get a reliable cookie cleaner program. Typically your cookie cleaning options on your operating system are not as good as they need be. I prefer to use CCleaner. You’ll want to run this program before every ad you post. Craigslist likes to put cookies in your PC or MAC and if they notice your posting too often they could shut down your account. Next you’ll want to create a free separate email account, preferably Gmail. Finally, you’re going to need a reliable phone number. Craigslist likes to create phone verified accounts after you post your first ad. If you do not verify your account you will not be able to post. If your account is put on hold or ended your phone number will not be able to be used again and therefore you would need to create a second account with a different phone number. If you don’t have a second number you will need to get one or will be able to post any advertisements. Unfortunately they do not accept VOIP numbers or Magic Jack Numbers which means you will need to invest in throw away numbers.
Creating Your Ad Tips For Posting on Craigslist
The following tips for posting on Craigslist is how to post an ad. Once you follow the previous instructions, go to Craigslist and post your first ad. To do so make sure you are posting in your area. Do not post beyond an hour away from where you are located or your post will be deleted by Craigslist. You could do paid ads and therefor you will have a lot more freedom. For example you can post in paid cities across the country and not have to worry about location. Next, choose the best category that matches what you are promoting.Post in the wrong category and the traffic will not come. For example, in one city I post I get a very low response when I post in the Biz Op section, however that same ad in marketing does much better. Next, choose an enticing headline (title) and then be sure to put a location in the field. Make sure your ad is honest and does not contain anything that is unrelated to what you are promoting or advertising. Do not lie. One of the most important tips for posting on Craigslist is to make sure your ads are simple and to the point. You want to get the attention of the viewer in order to get them to click on your ad to go to your site or reply to the email. Always make sure you put compensation if it’s in a job section. You may type in competitive, DOE, or perhaps commission based. If you want more success be sure to have a photo to include with your ad and upload it. Many times an ad with photos always does better than those without. You are now ready to post your ad.
What’s Next
Craigslist will now send you a confirmation email. You must click on this email and then, if you are posting for the first time, you will be directed to give them a phone number in order to verify your account. Once you give them your phone number you will receive an automated phone call that will include a pin number. Insert the pin number in the field that appears online. Once you do this your ad will now go live or get ghosted.Ghosting is when an ad appears to be live but isn't There could be various why this happened and if it does, don’t use that ad again or make a few changes to the headline and ad if it’s not clickable.
Some methods that work today may not tomorrow as Craigslist is known for changing the rules often so be sure to pay attention. I have been doing very well with not getting ghosted in the past month or so. A big reason why is my headlines. Do not use the following words or phrases: online, internet, work at home, work from home, home agents, home associates, MCA, Empower, ZNZ, Excellent Income. Free, or place any numbers in the title. CL uses robots that search ads and looks for things it doesn't deem appropriate.
Have A Plan
As mentioned earlier, one of the most important tips for posting on Craigslist is to not mistreat. You are allowed to post only one ad per 48 hours per category. If you decide to beat the system you will find your account suspended or you will be banned. It would be very helpful to create a plan. Choose three days out of the week that are 48 hours apart and then make sure you post on those days every week. You may want to figure out what times are the best to post in your state. Doing so can make a big difference in how many leads you get. If you would like to really dive in deep, you could get a program that changes your IP, another phone number, another email, and then create a second Craigslist account. Now you will be able to post nearly daily in the same category. Another great tip is to create a spreadsheet which has the days you are going to post, your ad title, and you’re ad or clickable image HTML code. This will help keep things organized and keep you on the proper track. It will also allow you to simply copy and paste your ads each time.
Automatically Send Your Prospects To A Website Instead Of Email
One of the best tips for posting on Craigslist is to use clickable image ads. These are ads where the viewer can click directly on your ad and go to your website. A lot of times this will prevent your ad from being sent to the dark abyss in Craigslist basement. They also convert to better leads and better sales. There are various ways to do this however I suggest signing up with and choosing the paid version. This is very useful tool that allows you to upload your photo image ads and then place an invisible tracker code to it. This not only allows you to create a true clickable ad that goes directly to your website, it also allows you to track it and see how many people are actually viewing it and clicking it. This will also tell you whether or not your ad got ghosted. This will become the tool you use more than any other.
READ: how-to-post-on-craigslist-and-stop-ghosting
I hope this post has informed you as you learn how to post on Craigslist. If you follow these tips and be consistent by posting one ad per 48 hours per category you will have a good stream of traffic to your website, product, or service. Be sure do not abuse the system. Besides Craigslist, you may have a lot of traffic come from Backpage and other free online advertising site. You may find it’s best to utilize all of them for the best possible results.
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Mike Burke JR
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